If you pay 3,000 yuan per year for resident pension insurance, can you receive 2

In recent years, with the continuous increase in the amount of flexible employment pension insurance payments, many people have begun to favor the urban and rural resident pension insurance. The payment levels of the resident pension insurance are relatively stable. Some friends ask, if they pay 3,000 yuan per year, how much pension can they receive after 15 years? Can they receive 2,000 yuan?

The pension insurance follows the principle of "more contributions, more benefits, and longer contributions, more benefits." After paying for 15 years, the total contribution is only 45,000 yuan. How much do you think they can receive?

The main features of the urban and rural resident pension insurance are as follows:


1. The urban and rural resident pension insurance is a non-loss insurance.

As long as individuals pay for the urban and rural resident pension insurance, the entire payment is credited to the individual's pension insurance account. The implication of crediting to the individual account is that this part of the money belongs to the individual, and if it is not fully received, it can be inherited by the family. Therefore, it is a non-loss insurance.

The individual accounts of the urban and rural resident pension insurance and the employee pension insurance can also be transferred to each other. If one meets the retirement conditions of the employee pension insurance, they can apply for retirement. In the month of retirement, the money in the individual account of the urban and rural resident pension insurance will be transferred to the employee pension insurance account, and there will be no waste.

2. There is a government subsidy for participating in the urban and rural resident pension insurance.

As long as individuals pay the urban and rural resident pension insurance on time (within the concentrated payment period from October to December each year), the government will also provide a certain amount of subsidy. The subsidy standards vary across different regions of the country. The most basic subsidy is that the government subsidy for the 100 yuan payment level is not less than 30 yuan, and the government subsidy for the payment level above 500 yuan is not less than 60 yuan. For example, in Shanghai, for the 500 yuan payment level, the government directly subsidizes 200 yuan. For the 5,300 yuan payment level, the government subsidy is 675 yuan.Government subsidies are deposited into individual accounts together, and they are rolled over until the age of 60 for pension collection, which can enhance the accumulation in individual accounts to a certain extent.

③ Government subsidies for the basic pension.

According to the government work report this year, in addition to continuing to increase the basic pension for retirees in 2024, the basic pension for urban and rural residents' endowment insurance will also be raised by 20 yuan. The current minimum standard for the basic pension of urban and rural residents' endowment insurance is 103 yuan per month.

In fact, Beijing and Shanghai have already announced a continued increase in the basic pension. Beijing has raised the basic pension for urban and rural residents' endowment insurance by 40 yuan, and Shanghai has raised it by 90 yuan. Currently, the basic pension for urban and rural residents' endowment insurance in Shanghai has reached 1,490 yuan per month.

④ For participation in the urban and rural residents' endowment insurance, there is also a government subsidy for funeral assistance. The treatment in most places is around 1,000 yuan, but in Guangzhou, which has a higher benefit, it is 3,300 yuan, in Shenzhen and Beijing it is 5,000 yuan, and in Shanghai it is 6,000 yuan.


How much pension can one actually receive?

The urban and rural residents' endowment insurance mainly consists of two parts: the basic pension and the personal account pension.

Assuming an annual payment of 3,000 yuan with a government subsidy of 300 yuan. The interest rate credited to the personal account of the endowment insurance can reach 3% per year.

According to the formula for the sum of a geometric series, the balance of principal and interest in the personal account of the endowment insurance after 15 years is 61,376 yuan. This is the balance in the personal account after the last year's payment of 3,000 yuan.The urban and rural resident pension insurance generally starts to receive the pension at the age of 60, with a calculation period of 139 months. This calculation period is the same as the 60-year-old retirement for employee pension insurance.

From this, the monthly personal account pension can be calculated as 440 yuan. If one retires in Shandong Province, the current basic pension standard is at least 168 yuan, so one can receive over 600 yuan per month. However, if retiring in Shanghai, the monthly pension can reach 2,030 yuan.

Living in the countryside, a monthly pension of over 600 yuan is not too stressful. But in Shanghai, even with a monthly pension of over 2,000 yuan, life may not seem too easy.

Overall, there are indeed a very small number of people who can receive a pension of over 2,000 yuan after paying at the 3,000 yuan level for 15 years, but most people can actually only receive about 600 yuan. #Headline Creation Challenge# #Urban and Rural Resident Pension Insurance#

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