By the end of July, the pension adjustment will be over, and the increase in the

The pension adjustment for the year 2024 is drawing to a close. It is believed that most elderly people have received their adjusted and supplementary pensions for this year. In accordance with the national unified deployment and arrangement, the pension adjustment for this year will be completed by the end of July.

The overall level of pension adjustment for 2024 is 3%, and the adjustment methods are carried out through the three well-known methods of fixed amount adjustment, linkage adjustment, and appropriate inclination. Therefore, although the overall adjustment level is 3%, there are indeed four categories of elderly people whose pension increases may exceed 3%.


First, those with lower pension levels.

The fixed amount adjustment part is the most basic part of the pension adjustment, implementing the principle of fairness, with everyone receiving the same increase in pension. If everyone receives the same increase in pension, of course, the lower the pension level, the higher the increase ratio.

The highest standard area for fixed amount adjustment nationwide is Shanghai, with a high of 61 yuan. That is to say, for people in Shanghai with a pension level of 2000 yuan, just looking at the fixed amount adjustment part, the increase exceeds 3%. If the adjustment for payment duration and fixed amount adjustment are taken into account, the overall adjustment range can even reach 4.5% to 5%.

Second, people with longer payment durations.

Adjustment according to payment duration is an important part of pension adjustment, with a certain amount of basic pension increased for each year of payment duration. The adjustment standard in most provinces is one yuan per year, the longer the payment duration, the more money is increased, and the pension increase is more likely to exceed 3%.

For example, the pension adjustment plan for Beijing in 2024 increases the basic pension by 2.4 yuan for each year of payment duration. With a payment duration of 30 years, at least 72 yuan will be increased.

If the fixed amount adjustment of 30 yuan is added, and the pension level adjustment of 6813 yuan or below increases by 30 yuan and 0.2% of the basic pension, anyone with a pension below 4714 yuan will see an increase exceeding 3%.If the payment period is longer, the amount of money increased according to the linkage adjustment standard will also be more, and the growth ratio will exceed 3% more.

Thirdly, elderly retirees.

For those who are 70 years old and above as of the end of last year, the state will take into account that they retired earlier, and the level salary used to calculate the pension is lower, so the pension level will be lower than the treatment level of newly retired personnel. Therefore, preferential care is implemented for these personnel.

At present, only women in Beijing and Zhejiang Province have additional pension increases when they reach the age of 65, and the specific adjustment standards of various provinces are not the same. However, generally speaking, if the same payment period and the same pension level can increase by 3%, and these elderly people can increase a part of the pension, the growth rate will exceed 3%.

Shandong Province, for the elderly who reached the age of 70, 75, and 80 in the previous year, enterprise retirees who are not one-time supplementary payment participants, will each increase the pension by 290 yuan, 190 yuan, and 360 yuan per month, respectively. This is a policy that has been retained considering the preferential adjustment in previous years, and it has not changed for many years. As long as you encounter this special adjustment, the increase is not just 3%, it is possible to reach 13%.

Fourth, retired personnel in remote and arduous areas.

For retired personnel in remote and arduous areas, the state stipulates that they will increase the pension or improve the pension increase standard.

Remote and arduous areas are not self-identified, but determined according to the 1~6 categories stipulated by the state. However, the specific delineation standards are still determined by each province.

For example, the Tibet Autonomous Region is linked with the payment period, Liaoning Province and Jilin Province implement a unified standard, and Sichuan Province increases by 5~65 yuan according to different categories of areas. The preferential adjustment is also an additional pension increase, so many elderly people will also easily exceed a growth rate of 3%.For individuals with higher pension levels, the increase in their pensions tends to be relatively lower than the average adjustment level. For instance, with a pension of 10,000 yuan, it is difficult for the pension increase to exceed 3% in most provinces across the country, with most increases falling between 1.5% and 2.5%.

However, the current method is such that those with higher pension levels receive a larger amount of increase, which to some extent ensures people's enthusiasm for participating in the pension scheme.

Thus, the state's intention in adjusting pensions is to deliberately control the increase for those with higher pension levels, in order to narrow the gap in pension levels among people and promote fairness in pensions. #Top Headline Creation Challenge# #Pension Increase#

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