The pension gap between female workers retiring at 48 and 50 needs to be calcula

Today, a friend asked, how much difference would there be in the pension between retiring at 48 and 50? Although the retirement age for female workers is 50, some special occupations or situations where one has lost the ability to work can also allow for early retirement.

If one retires two years earlier at the age of 48, the pension gap can be calculated in the following way:

Firstly, the gap in the basic pension.

The pension generated from participating in the pension insurance mainly consists of two parts: the basic pension and the personal account pension, and the calculation formula is unified nationwide.

The basic pension is equal to the pension payment base of the year of retirement × (1 + the average contribution index of the individual) ÷ 2 × the number of years of contribution × 1%.


To know how much pension one can receive, it is necessary to know the pension payment base of the retirement location for that year, the individual's average contribution index, and the number of years of contribution.

There is a relatively large gap in the pension payment bases of the 31 provinces. Last year, the region with the highest pension payment base was Shanghai at 12,183 yuan, and the lowest was Henan Province with only 6,401 yuan. Assuming the local payment base is around 7,500 yuan, it could be promoted to around 8,000 yuan in two years.

The average contribution index of an individual is roughly equivalent to the average contribution level. The vast majority of people will be between 0.6 and 3. Assuming the average contribution index is 1. However, in recent years, the contribution base has been continuously increasing, and some people's wages have not risen, leading to a lower contribution level and a decrease in the average contribution index.

If retiring at 48, what is the number of years of contribution? For simplicity, let's assume it is 25 years. According to the calculation formula, with an average contribution index of 1, one can receive 25% of the pension payment base, which amounts to 1,875 yuan.Retiring at the age of 50, the contribution period will be 27 years, and one can receive 27% of the base amount, which results in 27% × 8000 yuan = 2160 yuan, a difference of 285 yuan.

Secondly, there is a gap in the individual account pension.

The individual account pension is equal to the balance of the individual's pension insurance account at the time of retirement ÷ the number of months determined by the retirement age.

The individual account pension depends on the difference in the balance of the pension between the two parties.

Since the contribution index is 1, it is equivalent to paying at the 100% level, and with an average social wage of 7500 yuan, the individual account can accumulate 600 yuan per month. If calculated simply based on a two-year difference, 600 yuan × 24 months equals 14,400 yuan. If the average social wage increases, the difference will be even greater.

In fact, retiring later will also account for more interest. The more the account balance, the greater the interest difference. For example, if the original individual account balance is 50,000 yuan, and estimated at the 2023 accounting interest rate of 3.97%, the account interest for two years could be an additional 4,000 yuan.

The number of months for the retirement age payment is also an issue, with 48-year-old and 50-year-old retirements having 204 and 195 months, respectively.

Assuming retirement at 48 years old, with a pension insurance individual account balance of 50,000 yuan, the calculated individual account pension is 245 yuan. If retiring at 50 years old, the individual account balance is expected to be around 70,000 yuan, with a monthly individual account pension of 359 yuan. The difference between the two is 114 yuan.

Based on the above, retiring two years later will result in a pension difference of about 400 yuan.After retirement, the pension will continuously increase based on factors such as the average social wage and price factors. The adjustment of pensions is mainly carried out through three methods: fixed amount adjustment, linkage adjustment, and appropriate inclination. Those with higher pension levels and longer payment periods will receive more additional money. For those who have paid into the pension insurance for 15 years and have a pension of about 2000 yuan, it is estimated that the annual increase in money will be around seventy to eighty yuan.

Therefore, if one could retire later, it would certainly be more cost-effective to do so. After all, the difference in monthly pension after old age can be more than three to four hundred yuan, which is very useful for the guarantee of life. #Top Headline Creation Challenge# #Pension Knowledge#

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