What is the average life expectancy in 2024? How many years of pension can you r

Recently, the state has emphasized in documents the need to promote delayed retirement based on the principles of voluntariness and flexibility. Many people may worry about not receiving their pensions, so let's understand what the average life expectancy will be in 2024.

Data on average life expectancy.

According to data published in the National Statistical Yearbook, the average life expectancy in our country was 67.77 years in 1981. It reached 71.40 years in 2000. In 2020, it reached 77.93 years. However, the life expectancy for males in 2020 was 75.34 years, and for females, it was 80.88 years, with a difference of 5.51 years.


The most recent data is from the National Health Commission, which was published in 2022 and only includes the national average life expectancy for 2021, which is 78.2 years. In fact, there is a significant difference in the average life expectancy across different regions of the country. For example, the average life expectancy in Beijing is 82.47 years, and in Shanghai, it is 84.11 years. It is not the case that people in cities with high work pressure have shorter lives; rather, cities with better living conditions and higher medical standards have higher life expectancies.

The average life expectancy actually refers to the average number of years that people born in the same period can continue to live, calculated mathematically based on the mortality rates of the population at various ages in a given year. The life expectancy we usually announce is for newborns at the age of 0.

For those who have already reached adulthood or have even entered the retirement threshold, their life expectancy plus their current age will exceed the life expectancy of newborns at the age of 0. For example, in the table below, the life expectancy for male newborns is 76.28 years, and for females, it is 81.05 years. When they reach 60 years old, the life expectancy for males is 21.48 years, and for females, it is 24.46 years.

With the continuous improvement of economic living conditions and the advancement of medical technology, the average life expectancy is definitely getting longer. According to our 14th Five-Year Plan, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, our country will strive to increase the average life expectancy by 1 year. That is to say, by 2024, our average life expectancy (for newborns at the age of 0) will be around 78.8 years.How many years of pension can one typically receive?

Our country has various retirement ages, with the earliest legal retirement age being 45 years old.

① Those who can retire at the age of 45 are mainly female workers engaged in special types of work for the required number of years, and female workers who have lost their ability to work. To be honest, working under the harsh conditions of special types of work and losing the ability to work are both indicative of a decline in health, which is expected to affect life expectancy. The life expectancy for female newborns has already surpassed 80 years old, and it is anticipated that the average pension collection time for these individuals will be around 35 years.

② Those who can retire at the age of 50 are mainly males who have lost their ability to work and regular female workers in enterprises. The life expectancy for males is expected to be around 76 years old in 2024, and it is estimated that they can receive an average of 26 years of pension. For females, the average is expected to be around 30 years.

③ Those who can retire at the age of 55 are mainly males engaged in special types of work for the required number of years, female managerial and professional technical personnel, and female flexible employment personnel. In this case, it is estimated that males can receive an average of 21 years of pension, while females can receive 26 years (because as age increases, the remaining life expectancy will also increase).

④ Those who can retire at the age of 60 are mainly ordinary male workers and female professional technical personnel with senior titles, as well as female cadres at the deputy department level and above in special circumstances. Based on life expectancy calculations, it is expected that males can receive an average of about 17 years of pension, and females can receive more than 22 years.

Even if the retirement age is pushed to 65 years old in the future, it is estimated that males can still receive about 15 years of pension, and females can receive more than 20 years.

Overall, delaying retirement will affect the time we receive our pensions, but it will also improve the level of pension collection, so there is no need to worry too much. #Top Headline Creation Challenge# #The average life expectancy in our country has increased to 77.93 years#

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