Which groups will benefit from the extension of retirement age? Take a look at t

Since the proposal of the delayed retirement policy by the state in 2012, more than a decade has passed. The 14th Five-Year Plan clearly proposes the implementation of a gradual delayed retirement policy. Recently, the state has issued an important document to clearly and orderly promote the reform of the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age, but on the premise of following the principles of voluntariness and flexibility. In fact, the extension of the retirement age is still beneficial for some individuals or groups.

Firstly, for employees who wish to delay retirement. The current retirement age was established at the beginning of the founding of the nation, and now people's living standards and health conditions are far beyond those at the beginning of the founding. Many elderly people over 60 still have the ability to work, not to mention women who are supposed to retire at 50 or 55.


According to the life expectancy figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2020, the average life expectancy in our country reached 77.93 years, and for women, it reached 80.88 years. Therefore, if the job positions in the unit are suitable, there are actually many women in their 50s, and even men in their 60s, who want to work for a few more years.

Secondly, for employees with low pensions. After the delay of retirement, it will inevitably lead to an increase in the payment period of people's pension insurance. According to the current pension calculation formula, the calculated pension will be significantly increased. In Shandong Province, under the current social average wage situation, if women retire one year later, the pension can generally be increased by 120 to 130 yuan.

The adequacy of the pension is an important guarantee for old-age life. While still having the ability to work, working for a few more years and paying for a few more years, and receiving a few thousand more yuan in pension in the future is indeed a good choice.

Thirdly, for employees who wish to retire but have not paid for 15 years. Now everyone understands that having a pension for retired employees is very good, much better than receiving the pension for urban and rural residents.

However, according to the provisions of the implementation regulations of the Labor Contract Law, even if the pension is not received, the labor contract can be terminated upon reaching the legal retirement age. In this case, employees who have not paid for 15 years can only continue to pay as flexible employees. If it is a unit payment, the personal burden is obviously lighter, and there will be other insurance benefits.If retirement can be postponed, it would effectively address the needs of these individuals.

Fourthly, it may be more beneficial for young people. In the past, our pension insurance contribution rate was 8% for individuals and up to 20% for employers. Although there has been some reduction, it remains at 8% for individuals and 16% for employers. Compared to the United States, where both employers and individuals contribute 6.2% each (totaling 12.4%), it is still nearly double.

If the retirement age is postponed, there will definitely be a significant room for reduction in the pension insurance contribution rate. Young people will be able to save more money by paying less, which will reduce their burden and help promote consumption and childbirth among the younger generation.

Additionally, many of our units currently implement a seniority-based wage system, where the longer the tenure, the higher the rank, and consequently, the higher the salary and benefits. However, it is understood by all that this differs from a pay-for-performance distribution model. If retirement is delayed, the work time and standards for older workers will decrease, and their salary and benefits will also be reduced, which could relatively increase the labor wages for young people.

Fifthly, it helps to improve employment protection for the elderly. If retirees receive pensions, their employment relationship with employers is a labor service relationship, and they cannot enjoy the various protections of labor laws and social insurance.

After the retirement age is postponed, the state will inevitably enhance employment protection for older workers and will not allow employers to arbitrarily infringe upon their rights. Various types of leave, such as sick leave, personal leave, and annual leave, will still be available. Moreover, the state will have more employment promotion policies, such as social insurance subsidies and employment promotion subsidies, to ensure that the elderly can find employment and not become unemployed.

Overall, postponing retirement also benefits many groups, and it is hoped that everyone can understand this. #Top Headline Creation Challenge# #Delaying Retirement#

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